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A different kind of learning

C ultivating life-long learners through environmental education.

Each student is our priority. That’s why we offer seat-based learning for those who learn better in person and online learning for those who prefer an alternative to traditional school. 

Whether learning is done in person or online, we integrate environmental education into each grade level, building awareness of what students can do in their daily lives to be responsible environmental stewards.

Crosslake School Staff

dedication to environmental education

Environmental learning is always
woven into our curriculum.

One of the many attributes that sets Crosslake Community School apart is our dedication to environmental education. Our seat-based students have the opportunity to learn outdoors in our school forest and indoors in our solarium. Our curriculum is hands on, and students spend a portion of their time outdoors each day. Online students participate in environmental learning projects in their own local communities. We’re here to take basic learning to an elevated and fun level for our students. 

About CCS

Seat-Based + Online

20 +

In our school


In the Crosslake community

Our Building

The LAKE Foundation

The LAKE Foundation is the owner of our property and building. While the building was completed in time for us to occupy it in August 2018, the work isn’t over!

Directors, committees,
and information

Our seat-based and
online staff + teachers

Covid procedures,
forms, and more

Crosslake Community School

Here for your student,
here for the environment

Past. Present. Future.

Our schools will continue to evolve, just like our students.

Crosslake Community School prides itself on educating good environmental stewards, and we acknowledge that the original stewards of the land were the Dakota and Ojibwe tribes whose homeland includes those who settled in the Crosslake area. They continue to work to protect and restore the land and water in Minnesota.

Crosslake Community School opened its doors in 2000, with a kindergarten-8th grade seat-based model. In August of 2014, the school expanded to include 9th-12th grade students at the request of former and current families. In order to meet the needs of potential students, the Board of Education decided to offer an online model as well.

The online learning model gives students the flexibility to pursue personal activities while completing the required courses to receive their high school diploma. Students need to be motivated, hard-working and dedicated to the online model.

Our staff surrounds them with encouragement, academic assistance and support in an effort to ensure no student falls through the cracks. Due to the success of our online learning, we grew to offer online courses to students grades kindergarten-12th. Crosslake Community School can serve full-time or part-time (supplemental) students throughout Minnesota, and we accept students up to the end of the school year of their 21st birthday. High school graduation occurs each year at the end of the school year.

Seat-based learning also offers a fee-based pre-kindergarten learning in addition to its tuition-free kindergarten-8th grade learning.

Crosslake Community School is able to offer students a way to connect to the first stewards of our land by intertwining environmental education at each grade level.

Growing environmentally literate, community impacting learners of excellence.​

Crosslake Community School: C.C.S. – where academics lead to a stronger, healthier community.

Improve pupil learning and student achievement.

More freedom, more accountability

Charter schools can
provide a more flexible,
non-traditional education

Charter schools in Minnesota are free, public schools. As a charter, we comply with the same requirements as other public schools (including requirements around state standards, teacher licensure, and testing) and we admit all students who apply as long as we have space. We have an elected school board that includes community, parent, and teacher members.

For more information, please visit:

As a charter, we are accountable to meeting the goals and expectations listed in our charter contract with our authorizer, Osprey Wilds: Erin Anderson, Director of Charter School Authorizing – (612) 331-4181 or

Address: 1730 New Brighton Blvd, Suite 104, PMB 196, Minneapolis, MN 55413


Join our unique team

Whether you thrive professionally in a classroom or online, we have a spot for you on our team. Our staff strives to create a welcoming community for our students and our colleagues. Our teachers aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty outdoors either!

Join Us

Parent Teacher Organization

Meetings are the second Tuesday of the month.

The Crosslake Community School PTO is involved in many activities throughout the year and can always use more parent involvement. The PTO funds transportation for field trips, assists teachers with purchasing items on their wish lists (such as programs for students and supplies for special projects), provides funding for prizes for PBIS winners, etc.  You can help by volunteering at one of the PTO sponsored events or becoming part of the PTO to help with planning of events.

For more information, please contact